About Us

For years, Co-founders Chris Rogers and Charles Rumford, have joked about their network engineering skills being excellent compliments of each other, and if they ever worked together they would make a power house being able to tackle anything. Well, the time has come and they have joined forces to bring a better Internet Exchange expirence to Los Angeles!

Formed in San Diego, while attending NANOG 89, MorePeering aims to bring a streamlined, member first approach to the Internet Exchange market in Los Angeles. Chris and Charles bring several decades of expirence working in networking infrastructure to the table.


Chris Rogers, Co-Founder

picture of chris
Chris loves working on everything that involves the network edge. From negotiating an awesome new peering session, to doing “unusual” things with BGP, and anything that fits in between. He’s been working in the peering community for over a decade, and there’s little that he cares about more than maximizing routing performance, and doing it in a way that stretches a dollar further than you might have thought possible.

When he’s not crafting artisan packets and pushing people to run their infrastructure single-stacked on IPv6, you can frequently find him at various industry conferences such as NANOG and DEF CON. Outside of his professional life, Chris enjoys living a minimalist lifestyle, and being deep in nature. He’s a frequent traveler, trail hiker, and can’t stop talking about how amazing summers are in Maine and New Zealand. He’s also never met a dog he didn’t instantly love.

Charles Rumford, Co-Founder

picture of charles
Charles has always had an interest building reliable and easy to use networking infrastructure. With a history in computer science, systems administration, network architecture, customer service, security, and usability design, Charles takes a wholelistic view to desgining and running networking architecture. An automation, security, and usablity first mentality guides his works as if it’s not secure and usable, then what’s the point of building it?

Charles is involved in a number of volunteer activities both inside and outside of the IT space. He is currently serving on the Programm and Hack-a-Thon commitees for NANOG, along with assisting the Blue Team Village with their IT needs as part of DEF CON. Outside of the IT arena, he also serves as educator and steeple keeper for the Philadelphia Guild of Change ringers, and serves on the Recuritment and Retention Commitee for the North American Guild of Change Ringers.